8 research outputs found

    Spremljanje učinkovitosti Izobraževanja v podjetjih

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    The human resources function in organisations is continuing to grow in importance and influence. Considering the vast potential for using human resources to enhance productivity, improve quality, spur innovation, contain costs, and satisfy customers, but also the consequences of improper and ineffective human resources practices, accountability in human resource management is becoming crucial. Training is especially important as it can contribute directly to an employee's satisfaction, absenteeism and to an organisation's productivity, fluctuation and profitability. The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic approach to measurement of efficiency and effectiveness of different training activities.Funkcija kadrovske službe v podjetjih Eostaja vse pomembnejša in vplivnejša. Ce pomislimo na ogromni potencial človeških virov - s katerim lahko povečamo produktivnost, zboljšamo kakovost, spodbudimo inovativnost, znižamo stroške in zadovoljimo stranke-, obenem pa tudi na  posledice nepravilnega in neučinkovitega ravnanja z ljudmi, postane jasno, da je odgovornost kadrovskega oddelka ključna. Posebno pomembno je izobraževanje, saj lahko neposredno vpliva na zadovoljstvo zaposlenega, na njegove izostanke z dela in produktivnost, fluktuacija in dobičkonosnost podjetja. Namen tega prispevka prikazati sistematičen pristop k merjenju učinkovitosti in uspešnosti različnih izobraževalnih dejavnosti

    Successful competitive strategies of large Croatian and Slovenian enterprises

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    In this research report, the authors identify and analyze the successful samples of strategic behaviour of large Croatian and Slovenian enterprises, as well as their similarities and dissimilarities. The research has encompassed the levels of corporate and business strategy (i.e. the strategy of a diversified firm and its strategic business units/areas), as well as the analysis of strategic performance and sources of competitive advantage. The research consists of two parts: the theoretical foundation for the analysis of the successful patterns of strategic behaviour and the empirical analysis, based on the primary data collected during the research project

    Identifying temporal relationships within multidimensional performance measurement

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    The paper investigates temporal relationships between leading drivers of success, non-financial outputs, and financial outcomes as suggested by the Balanced Scorecard. Based on a sample of 42 companies with a four-year survey data, we find partial confirmation of temporal causality between selected actions and performance. The effects of the leading variables on the non-financial outputs are the strongest in the same year. Also, the influence of innovation and HR policies via the number of patented innovations and new products (services) on profit growth is the strongest within one year. These findings have important implications for the design of cause-and-effect relationships schemes (strategy maps) and the development of contemporary performance measurement systems

    Reinvestigating the Reasons for Control: An In-Depth Analysis of IT Departments

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    There is a need for a greater understanding of the reasons for control in work settings with innovative working behavior. The paper explores the reasons for control in IT departments by using inductive method and a multiple case study design in seven large companies. The investigation of the sources of control needs involved 45 interviews with CIOs/IT managers and their immediate subordinate managers. We find that managers with explicit trusting stance use control mechanisms in problematic situations, when there are complex tasks and under the influence of organizational complexity. For them, control is viewed as a means to provide an overview of results. On the other hand, managers with less inclination toward trust see control as an inevitable part of their management function; control is triggered by their personal traits. This has important implications for the reconciliation of organizational learning and control